
Data Collecting

Everything started whit idea to collect data of the clouds over the grand-grandparents land. I wanted to use them to create a installation which would change in real time. After finding out that it is possible to collect water from the clouds. This data gained a whole new meaning. Now they can be used as information for other farmers who would like to rent or buy this land for their cloud farm.

Data Interpretation

I collected data in for places around the property. Having lots of numbers is not easy just to show them as interesting thing. There fore I created two different data visualizations. First is graphical images which shows difference between temperature and and humidity. Second one is 3D objects which shows humidity in clouds.

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I collected data in for places around the property. Having lots of numbers is not easy just to show them as interesting thing. There fore I created two different data visualizations. First is graphical images which shows difference between temperature and and humidity. Second one is 3D objects which shows humidity in clouds.


Till now work is being presented in exhibitions Virtuoso in Riga and Liepaja, Latvia and Maribor Slovenia and in Europe Culture capital city official program exhibition Transformative Ecologies in Mons Belgium and Riga Latvia.